With the release of the new Star Wars movie, my six year old son, Bennett, has been in full Jedi mode. He's been using the Force while watching the original trilogy, playing with his Star Wars action figures, and using any excuse possible to challenge his sister to a light saber duel. It only seemed fitting that for Christmas I made him a drawing of one of the most iconic Yoda quotes from The Empire Strikes Back:
This is the last bit of guidance Yoda gives Luke as Luke attempts to raise his X-wing from the swamp after he has crashed on Dagobah. In essence, Yoda is trying to get Luke to focus on the present moment and to commit himself with his actions and intentions.
I love this message, especially for Bennett as he matures. Win or lose, I hope he commits himself to his dreams and always remembers that good advice can come from many different places, even Star Wars.
This drawing is made on 11x14 Strathmore Toned Tan Series 400 paper, with Koi Watercolor Pen, Prismacolor Colored Pencil, Micron Pen, and Gelly Roll Gel Pen.